I did the research, analyzed the reviews, and polled my audience to narrow down the Top 5 Paint Rollers for a head-to-head showdown.  Here are the contenders:

1. Whizz Velour

This roller had great coverage, and was easy to maneuver. There was a light stippling and shedding,  but the end result was very even, with no visible roller marks.

2. SW Mohair

The mohair roller felt nearly identical to the velour—great coverage, similar light stippled texture. The overall finish was even and streak-free.

3. Purdy White Dove

This roller was thicker and larger, and soaked up a lot more paint. That’s useful for painting larger surfaces, but it left noticeable roller marks after drying.

4. Whizz Concave Foam

The foam rolled on a thin layer of paint and didn’t cover completely. The concave tip was nice to get into detailed areas.

5. Wooster MicroPlush

This roller soaked up a lot of paint and provided great coverage. The shedding was minimal, but the sheen had a speckled effect once it dried.

Tap the link below to see the winner!

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