The Secret to  'Aged Wood'

I’ve finally figured out the key to realistic looking aged wood (without waiting a century for nature to take its course!)


1. Orbital Sander  2. Planer  3. Jigsaw 4. Drill with wire brush attachment

I started by planing down the edges in random spots, then did the same along the flat surfaces. The goal is to make the wood look worn and uneven by getting rid of the straight, smooth lines

Click below for all the steps needed to age wood!

After recreating the look of saw marks, etching grooves and lines using a jigsaw it is time for sanding to level out the roughness. An orbital sander makes fast work of this.

Here's the key to make it look authentic: use a drill with wire attachment to cut tiny grooves into the wood, opening up the grain.

Finally stain and seal. I used Weathered Oak and brushed on a light coat. I then added two coats of Minwax Driftwood.

Click Below to See the Full Guide

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