As I finish unpacking boxes in my new San Francisco apartment, I wanted to take a moment to pay tribute to what I’ve dedicated myself to over the past 2.5 years. Countless days and nights of blood, sweat and tears to create my dream home. It has been a rollercoaster—those of you who have followed me from the beginning certainly know this. But it’s a ride I wouldn’t trade for the world, because it got me to where I am today.
I spent 13 hours last week going through the archives, gathering up every before, during and after photo and video of this house. I sorted and organized the highlights into a comprehensive Before & After House Tour video, including plenty of never before seen footage. This is the compilation of the entire experience dating back to November 2013, from start to finish:
And just for fun, here’s a shortened room by room before, during & after breakdown. As always, you can find complete room details, photos and sources on my Home Tour page, or via keyword search on my blog.
Living Room:
Laundry Room:
Guest bathroom:
Garage entry:
Master bedroom:
Master bathroom:
Guest bedroom:
Theater room:
Whew, that’s what about 800 days of hard work look like! I’m curious—do you have a favorite room or project? It’s impossible for me to choose just one since I’m emotionally attached to every room in a different way. So let’s break it down with a little Q&A… feel free to share your favorites in the comments!
Biggest transformation: Laundry room
Best selling point: Tie between the kitchen/dining room and the view
Favorite place to spend time: Master bedroom
Most popular/shared online: Guest bathroom
Most expensive/time consuming: Kitchen/dining room
Most frustrating DIY: Master bedroom ceiling
Most enjoyable DIY: Rustic wood projects for guest bath
So many memories here… both good and bad. Am I crazy for wanting to do this all over again right away? Maybe. But next time I’ll hire out most of the work and it won’t take over two years 🙂 Let the house hunting begin!
Once again I have to let you know how much I appreciate you reading, commenting, sharing and reaching out to me over the years. It means a lot to know that I have friends all over the world who care—not just about the pretty pictures, but the person behind them as well.
When my life turned upside down last year and this blog became a diary as I was trying to figure it all out, I knew I’d lose a lot of readers. But to those who stuck around, thank you for being there. To be honest, I didn’t think I’d be back here talking about home renovations, but there have been changes happening behind the scenes which have made me re-evaluate my future.
You already know about the move to San Francisco and decision to begin rehabbing homes, but there’s more to the story. It has been a while since I’ve opened up to you and I’m finally ready to share. You’ve seen glimpses of my personal life through my weekly vlogs, and starting with the next vlog you’ll see more of the full picture.
This might be my biggest reveal yet, so make sure to check back here on Thursday. See you soon…
Pam winn says
Could you please tell me your source for the slip covered chaise and size. I love your work.
jennasuedesign says
Thanks Pam! The slipcover is from Comfort Works and you can find links here:
Shelly says
Love the entire house! So many great things to love? Are all your dressers and chests antique? In the down stairs you have white canvas art with black cursive writing – where can I purchase those? They look amazing!
Shelly says
I meant – so many great things to love!! Not? Lol
jennasuedesign says
Thanks Shelly! All of the wood dressers/chests are second hand. The canvases downstairs are DIY fabric wrapped 🙂
Kelsey says
Such amazing work! Love your aesthetic.
Christine Mack says
I found you when researching laundry room remodels. Yours nearly gave me a heart attack – all that work! all that beauty in the end! – and now I’m a follower to the end.
For its classic simplicity and diy-friendly transformation however, I love your infamous front foyer/entry way. I think after seeing it 10 or 12 times here, there, and everywhere, was when I finally painted my own entry door black. I wonder how many other black doors you’ve inspired over the past two years!
I am so thrilled to be allowed access to your new home search/transformation adventure, and all the personal transformation that goes with it. Cheers!!
jennasuedesign says
Thanks Christine, glad to have you on board for the next reno! 🙂
catherine says
I love your house, from the bottom to the top
maybe I prefer the kitchen ??
I hope your new life will be beautiful
hello from Brittany, France
Rebecca says
II can’t believe you would lose readers! Your blog is one of if not the most real, genuine and true to yourself blogs that I read. I didn’t comment when you introduced Lucas to us but do want to say congratulations to you; I wish you nothing but the best.
Amanda VanderVelde says
Your home is incredibly beautiful. I can’t pick one room I love the most. Do u have a list of paint colors? Such beautiful choices. Also, the woven wood shades I’m seeing in every room. . . What brand are they? In some of the rooms the windows are so large, how were you able to find them just one shade per headrail? And congrats on the move and it sounds like you have a lot of happiness in your future. Can’t wait to read more.
Sarah says
You did such a wonderful job on this home. My favorite room would be your kitchen. You also inspired me to paint the doors in my house black and it has been so nice to see the progress over the last several years. Congrats to new beginnings and best of luck in SF!
Krissy says
Every room is beautiful!!! I have used your blog for inspiration and instuctions for 3 rooms in my house already. You explain things in great detail and I love all the pictures that go along with the instructions. I also love the fact that you share what went wrong and how to fix it. Gotta love the car jack!!! We used one, too! LOL
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and lead you,
Charlotte says
What can I say! Your killing me! Your vlogs always bring me to tears! Mixed emotions of happiness, joy and sadness… Your trip last year truly inspired me! And made me a lifetime follower of you!!! As long as you continue to write I will follow!!! But I want you to know, your pictures, writing, vlogs, adventures, gets to me like know other blogger! Straight to the heart! I admire you so much! Your strength, beauty, grace, vulnerabitily truly amazes me!!! I’m so very HAPPY for you! And excited for everything ahead!!! I know whatever you do, wherever you go, and wherever you are, you will be AMAZING!!!sending much love, Big hugs!!! And good vibes always Jenna!!! Can’t wait til Thursday!!!!
jennasuedesign says
Ah you just made my day, Charlotte! Thank you so, so much for the love <3 <3
Astin Hancock says
I’m gonna miss seeing updates on this home! But I look forward to the many new homes we will get to see remodeled!! I have a quick question, I love the white countertops, but I’ve heard they stain really easy even though they aren’t supposed to, did you ever have a problem with that? Thanks in advance!!
Linda Grubbs says
I’m still with you my friend! I wish I could pick a favorite room/project..I can’t because I love them all! ‘ excited to see where “we” go from here.
You have such a sweet spirit and a beautiful soul!!! …….. I’m wishing you all the best. 🙂
Jenna says
Just beautiful, Jenna!
Eryn Phillips says
Cannot wait to see/hear about the next chapter in your life.
Wish I could get you to help me with my home.
Wishing you much health, happiness and fun!!
Eryn from Oz.
Lauren says
I adore your blog and I cannot choose a favourite room as they are all equally beautiful ! It must have been extremely hard to say goodbye, but how exciting to do it all over again !! Keep up with the great work, follow your dreams ! Sending love from the uk xx