After reflecting on this past year both professionally and personally, the word that comes to mind is balance. Our list of completed projects was much shorter than normal, replaced with family adventures and after school activities.
2024 was the first year I felt like we really pushed the brakes and slowed down since moving to Florida six years ago. This was quite intentional, after a chaotic few years of juggling long renovations and growing our family (and also unintentional, with hurricane devastation putting projects on hold).
Here are the project-related and personal highlights from each month this year—keep reading for my goals and plans for 2025!
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Announced our goals for 2024 and new house news! Posted the new house tour. Rounded up the most affordable slipcovered sofas. Shared how to paint vinyl windows.
Gave my Bathroom Trend Report for 2024. Experimented with how to bleach wood. Built a DIY clothes drying rack. Revealed our long awaited laundry room makeover.
Posted a tutorial for our easy DIY V-groove cabinet doors. Rounded up the best faux stems and florals for spring. Created easy DIY textured canvas art.
Baby Luca turned one. Gave our backyard patio and landscaping a refresh. Hacked an Ikea Malm nightstand. Sold the Riverside Retreat and bought a new rental property.
Took a family trip to Costa Rica. Reviewed the Top 10 white exterior paints. Shared our must-have beginner DIY tools.
Got our third vacation rental up and running. Shared my best AirBnb bedroom design tips. Answered all your burning questions in an AirBnb Q&A. Explored Modern Spanish style design ideas.
Took a family trip to North Carolina. Shared a Before Tour, our plans and progress on the Spanish Sanctuary backyard. Rounded up my favorite Spanish-style tile. Shared a Before Tour and our plans for the Spanish Sanctuary bedroom.
Esmé turned five. Took a family trip to Seattle and a cruise to Alaska. Rounded up the most realistic faux fall stems.
Traveled to North Carolina and Montana. Rounded up my favorite designer pillows under $20. Shared the design plan for the Spanish Sanctuary bunk room. Revealed our Haunted Heights House of Shadows.
Hurricane Helene and Milton flood our Poolside Palms property, and put all current renovations on hold. Went all in on Halloween with tutorials for ghost window silhouettes, ghost house shadows, a spooky wreath and faux taxidermy. Gave our primary bedroom a refresh.
Launched the Holiday Shop. Reviewed the year’s Christmas tree Decorating Trends. Published gift guides for him & her, kids & toddlers, and parents.
Shared our annual holiday home tour.
What’s next?
We’ve got our sights set on finishing the bunk room in the Spanish Sanctuary first. Lucas has started on the bunk beds, and we recently installed the wall mural:
Next, we’ll finish tackling the primary bedroom, and hopefully by then we’ll have this nightmare of a pool permit closed and can continue on the backyard.
On the personal side? To be completely honest, I’m still trying to figure out exactly what I want in the year ahead. I definitely want to make a lot more progress on our Spanish Sanctuary renovation, but I also want to spend every waking moment with my baby boy before he starts school and I’ve missed my chance. I also want to continue my workout routine, taking the kids to activities, making time for friends and working less on the weekends.
How do we accomplish our big goals while staying present in our kids lives while prioritizing our physical and mental health and getting enough time to rest? If anyone has the secret, let me know!
I think 2025 will be a year of trying new things, carving out more time to be creative, and continuing to prioritize family and fun. Looking forward to seeing where life takes us!
Which project are you most looking forward to us tackling this year? Do you have any big goals or changes you’re making in 2025? Let’s hear it!
Linda says
Have been reading your blog and Instagram for several years. Wonderful design and renovation content and, of course, the photos of your beautiful children are just the icing on the cake. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
PS please share the source for that gorgeous shady lady tree!
Jenna Sue says
Thank you so much, Linda! The shady lady tree I shared on Instagram is currently sold out but should be restocked next month–I will share again on my Instagram as soon as it’s available again!
KL says
I missed that you had visited Montana! Whereabouts, did you ever post about it?
amber says
I rarely comment on anything these days. But just want to reach out and say that so many of us are in the same situation. My SO and I are both in healthcare (where we just unionized and are putting a ton of time into getting a safe contract), renovate and run two STR, and have four little ones. We cut back work just enough to not need daycare or a nanny. 100% the best decision. But, we’ve hit the mini midlife crisis. Its so hard to balance work, building wealth (so you actually could retire one day or have something to give the kids for college), and spending time enjoying life. I wish I had answers, but I don’t. But I hear you. Its obvious how hard you work. You’re doing a great job.
Jenna Sue says
I don’t know how you do it all! We have a property manager and a nanny and there’s still not enough hours in the day. We’re all very fortunate to have the option to adjust our work schedule/workload as needed, and of course owning real estate will really pay off long term. We just have to keep the future in mind and know that the hard work is all worth it. Hang in there mama!
Lilly T says
You’ll know exactly how much to scale back. My girls are now in their 20’s and I wish I could go back. Since I can’t, I focus on creating memories with them since they still want to go out and travel with us. That’s where I enjoy them now.
Speaking of travel, I would love to read about your Seattle/Alaska trip with the family. I am planning one for 2026 (hopefully) and would love hear about yours. Also, Montana of course since for 2025 I’m eyeing Yellowstone so not too far. 😉
Hoping 2025 is an amazing year for you and all your followers!!
Jenna Sue says
Thanks Lilly! My days of blogging about our travels are over but happy to answer any questions. Montana was a shorter trip for a wedding. We were with family/extended family in Seattle and Alaska and had the most amazing time!
Michele M. says
Best wishes for a fabulous new year, JS. Putting those fast growing children as priority you will never ever regret. They are young for a nanosecond. As you are already discovering. Happy New Year!
Jenna Sue says
Elizabeth says
You have grown so much! From the skills you have acquired, to the work that you do, to your marriage, to your beautiful children — your accomplishments are many. At one time, the go-to line for women was “you can have it all,” and you can — sort of. Long term, you absolutely can; short term, you have to make choices. God only gives us each 24 hours per day, no one gets more. Your plate is only so big. Put on it what is most important to you at the present time, and either farm out anything else, or put it on the back burner, or drop it entirely, or pursue it in much smaller bites. Reassess regularly (the new year is an excellent time for that). With focus, and planning, and diligence, you will eventully accomplish everything that is important to you. I can guarantee you though, without a doubt, that you’ll never regret putting the love of your life and your children first. Everything else pales by comparison. Happy new year!
Jenna Sue says
That’s so sweet of you to say, Elizabeth! You are right, it’s better to look at the bigger long term picture. There’s still so much I want to do, but I have time (hopefully ;))
Kathryn Vezerian says
OMG could your kids get any cuter? Beautiful little family. I am constantly inspired by your decorating and building skills. Hope you all enjoy a healthful and prosperous New Year!
Jenna Sue says
Thank you, Kathryn! Cheers!
Sandi says
We lived a similar life as you since our 20’s. We had a boy and girl and flipped and spec built all through their lives. They are now grown. Doing this allowed us to be present and home which is a great gift to your kids. You will never get time like this back with your kids. Scale back to one or two activities for the kids, max per week. They have plenty going on and don’t need constant entertainment but thrive under your attention and time to play and create at home. The other thing I did to see friends was to socialize with friends that had kids my kids’ age and that worked beautifully for a visit. Your kids will thrive with a slower pace of life with you and Lucas less stressed. You are a great mom to be thinking of all these things!
Jenna Sue says
We really are so lucky to have the flexibility to choose our own schedule and adjust work/life balance as needed! We were very much ready to slow down and enjoy life a bit more this past year, and I can’t imagine going back to a more hectic workload next year. We do everything you mentioned to try and strike the right balance for us. Thank you and happy new year!
Holly says
Speaking as someone almost 60 yrs old, you won’t regret prioritizing family & travel, especially as it looks like you guys have been very successful & have worked hard in Florida. Bring older now, I see younger people rushing around so much & tending to burn out. Maybe before social media existed, there was less pressure, I don’t know. Anyway, it’s lovely to follow your lovely family & interior design.
Jenna Sue says
Thank you Holly! I think there’s absolutely more pressure these days to do and have it all. I try not to be on social media any more than I have to for work. I hope to continue this “slower” pace into 2025. Cheers!