The Riverside Retreat is OPEN FOR BUSINESS!
Exactly two years ago we were moving boxes out of an apartment and into our first home in Florida. Two solid years of DIYing, countless nights and weekends of blood, sweat and tears, living in dust for weeks and without a bathroom while pregnant, from planning a wedding to welcoming a baby into the world… this house is intertwined with some of our greatest memories and milestones, and completing this renovation marks the end of an era.
Today, we can finally open the doors to the Riverside Retreat to welcome new friends and families who will make their own memories here. For the past eight days I’ve been reposting each room reveal on my Instagram, sharing the Before + After photos and highlights from every project. Now that the house is complete and the listing is live, I wanted to post one final house tour with all the photos and project details in one place. This tour will also be a permanent page on my blog (under Houses + Sources > Riverside Retreat) so you can reference it at any time!
If you want to continue to see updates from the house, along with photos from guests, follow our new account over on Instagram: @theriversideretreat.
But first…
You’ll notice the Bunk Room is incomplete. That’s because we’re still missing a very important piece, which I custom ordered from Russia in March, right before the pandemic. International mail was shut down but has since reopened and I’ve been assured that it will be arriving (soon, maybe?) so I’m waiting to officially reveal that room once it arrives. And once that happens, I’ll do a complete video tour for you as well. Don’t worry, this isn’t the last you’ll see from the Riverside Retreat 😉
Let the tour begin!
Backyard: Before
Backyard: After
Click here for sources
Blog posts:
- DIY Fire pit
- DIY Stenciled patio
- DIY String Light planters
- Backyard Reveal (Phase 1)
- Dining area reveal
- One year update + new landscape design
- The Final Reveal
Living Room: Before
Living Room: After
Click here for sources
Blog posts:
Kitchen: Before
Kitchen: After
Click here for sources
Blog posts:
- Design plans
- Cabinets, counters + paint colors
- Custom trim, appliances and finishes
- Finishing touches
- The Reveal
Master Bathroom
Click here for sources
Blog posts:
Main Bathroom: Before
Main Bathroom: After
Click here for sources
Blog posts:
Master Bedroom: Before
Master Bedroom: After
Click here for sources
Blog posts:
Dining Room: Before
Dining Room: After
Click here for sources
Blog posts:
In the Clouds Bedroom: Before
In the Clouds Bedroom: After
Click here for sources
Blog posts:
Rainforest Room: Before
Rainforest Room: After
Click here for sources
Blog posts:
Laundry Room: Before
Laundry Room: After
Click here for sources
Blog posts:
Exterior: Before
Exterior: After
Blog posts:
The Bunk Room: Before
The Bunk Room: After
And that wraps the tour! Doesn’t even look like the same house, right? I’m pretty sure every single square inch, floor to ceiling, was changed over the past two years. The best thing we did was add a second bathroom, and I think converting the former carport to a TV room with a loft bed was the coolest idea to maximize the space. Do you have a favorite before/after? I’m still on Cloud 9 from finishing the backyard so that might be my choice.
Before you go, I need your help to choose the main listing photo! This image is critical because it has to grab your attention and make you want to see more. Currently we’re using a photo of the living room because I think it captures the whole vibe of the home, but I’m debating on switching to a backyard shot. Which of these would make you want to see more?
Or is there a different photo that stands out to you? I’m all ears, let me know in the comments!
A special thank you to everyone who has been following along and cheering us on since Day 1. There were some pretty rough patches and low points for us along this renovation journey, but your support and kind words have helped us to push through. We’re so excited to be able to share this space with you guys, and we really hope that we’ll get the chance to host you and your friends/families someday. For everyone who has taken the time to read, watch or comment, you’re a part of this transformation too, and you deserve a seat at that fire pit with a cold drink in your hand ?
Next week, it’s back to work at the Heights House to kick off our latest project!
Teddee Grace says
I love everything you’ve done with this property, but must say the living room with that wall mural still catches my eye. I love the master bedroom, the swing bed and green bathroom as well. Wish I could just move in! It has been fun following along…so much work the two of you have put in!
Jenna Sue says
Thank you so much for the kind words Teddee! We hope to be able to host you some day 😉
Sylvia C. says
You absolutely need to charge more than $200 a night for this home!! You are so talented and this home is so very special. I vote for the living room shot.
Jenna Sue says
Oh I wish we could! The prices are determined by the market and the final cost is quite a bit more after cleaning/taxes/fees, so that’s just the going rate for similar properties. We can always adjust if needed though! Thanks for the feedback 😉
Kim B. says
It’s absolutely amazing what you all have done with this house. My favorite is the kitchen, wow!!! And of course the backyard. And I had forgotten that this is where that fabulous laundry room is.
As far as which photo to pick for the listing, I have no idea! Whatever you pick will be great. (A little piece of me wonders what if you picked the first Bedroom in the Clouds photo???)
Anyway congratulations and I hope it will go well for you and you will have only wonderful AirBnB clients!
Jenna Sue says
Thanks Kim! I think the hanging bed is the most unique for sure, but I don’t think everyone else feels that way hah 😉 I think we’ll stick with the living room for now!
Shauna says
It is just lovely, elegant but casual. You know best which picture gives the best feel, sends the best message.
Truly hope thay the entire investment (not just monetary) will be returned a hundredfold. All the soul you’ve poured into it deserves a huge return.
Jenna Sue says
Thank you Shauna, I really hope so too! We’re in it for the long haul so we’ve got faith it will all work out 🙂
Brie says
So very stunning! Congratulations!!! I hope you quickly earn back all (and more!) that you’ve invested into this lovely home. I can’t believe it’s been 2 years already since you moved to FL. I still remember following you since before your solo trip to Asia years ago. I’m with the commenters above that I loved the living room view, but my favorite is the living room photo with your “Welcome to Riverside Retreat” in the background. Now … if I can talk my extended family into taking a road trip to FL to stay in this beautiful abode … hopefully someday in the future! Again- gorgeous work! I love that you share your talents with the world!
Jenna Sue says
Aw thanks for sticking with me for so long, Brie! We would LOVE to host you and your family someday! I really appreciate the kind words and your support over the years <3
Keria Galan says
Love both captures, but I’m going to say the living room, it’s extremely inviting.
We also live in Fl, recently purchased a home ( end of February ), I stumbled upon your page while searching for string patio light ideas. I have truly enjoyed watching this lovely process. Would love to do a staycation, road trip your way.
Jenna Sue says
Thank you Keria! Our doors are open and we’d love to have you staycation here 🙂
Keria Galan says
Love both captures, but I’m going to say the living room, it’s extremely inviting.
We also live in Fl, recently purchased a home ( end of February ), I stumbled upon your page while searching for patio light ideas. I have truly enjoyed watching this lovely process. Would love to do a staycations, road trip your way.
Teri says
$200/night is not enough for this lovely home! Good luck, I hope your renters respect all the hard work you have done to make their stay so wonderful.
Sandra P says
Krista says
I’m a AirBNB host too. I really hope people respect the hard work you’ve put into this place. It’s amazing how weird people are…. I can’t wait to see the listing!! You’ve done an amazing job! Please be sure to share!
Dolores says
Every room is stunning, but the living room is my favorite. If I saw that on a listing, I would definitely want to see more!
Torrie @ To Love and To Learn says
It really is an incredible transformation–I’ve been following along for the majority of the journey, and with each room, I was just more and more impressed. I personally would favor the interior photo for the listing photo!
Jessica says
I love the living room shot as well, very welcoming and attention grabbing.
Jenna Sue says
Thank you Jessica, I’m leaning that way too!
MC says
I like the living room shot you picked. My gut is telling me having the backyard highlighted first might attract a slightly different crowd more interested in partying than respecting the property you worked so hard to make beautiful. Everything looks amazing and I take lots of inspiration from you!
Jenna Sue says
Ahhh that’s a great point, thank you! You’re right, I think the living room is probably the way to go. I appreciate your feedback! <3
Niki says
I have loved following this from the beginning! My favorite shot is the one from the living room looking past the sliding doors with the view of the mural. My husband and I will have to book a little staycation before we move out of Florida!
Jenna Sue says
We really appreciate your support, Niki! I think that photo might be the winner too. That view gets me every time! I hope we get the chance to host you some day! <3